DUISTER MAANLICHT / KÄRV - Duister Maanlicht / Kärv


Product description

Swedish Black Metal outfit Kärv teams up with Duister Maanlicht (NL) for a split album. Kärv's first release was last year's excellent EP "Abominations of the Canaanite" and now he's back with new material. The other half of the album is performed by Duister Maanlicht which released the album "Woud van de Kwade Geest" in March earlier this year.


1 Kärv Unholy Prophet
2 Kärv Justiciar Angel
3 Kärv Pillars Of Salt
4 Duister Maanlicht Omringd Door Duivels En Demonen
5 Duister Maanlicht Flarden Zwarte Mist
6 Duister Maanlicht Onder Duistere Hemelen Zonder Licht
