IHS: Likt En Skinande Ängel. Lifvets Krona; 2 Kor 11-14 TAPE


Product description

TSW016 IHS  ~ Likt En Skinande Ängel. Lifvets Krona; 2 Kor 11-14

Swedish depression on Solid Gold cassettes. Pure divine anguish. Limited to 50 hand-numbered copies. Free download-code included.

Release date: 22nd of  September, 2023


1. Veni Redemptor Genitum

2. As Light Excelleth

3. Romans 7: 18-25

4. Härlig Är Jorden

5. Lifvets Krona

6. Endlyset

7. Somna

8. Ljusbringare


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