Product description
"THE FINAL MORTIFICATION ALBUM - Realm Of The Skelataur is a return to our Old Skool form of TOTAL TRASHING DEATH. I worked VERY HARD for 2 years with Lincoln structuring an Album that brings back a mix of the BEST OF - Break The Curse 1990, Self Titled 1991, Scrolls Of The Megilloth 1992, Post Momentary Affliction 1993 & EnVision EvAngelene 1996. This Album is Extremely FAST, Extremely SLOW, Extremely COMPLEX & Extremely INTERESTING! It takes you on a journey of EXTREME CHRISTIAN ART that will hammer in every emotion, IF, you play it LOUD!!! This work is a tremendous full stop on 25 years of WORLD WIDE JESUS METAL ART MISSIONS ATTACK TO SLAUGHTER ALL DEMON HEADZ!! You all heard 'Extrensick Forces' last quarter & so here is our new GRIND CLASSIC - 'Slaughter Head Headz'!" - Rowe
- 1. The Cost
- 2. Feed Your Hungry Ears
- 3. Extrinsick Forces
- 4. Realm Of The Skelataur
- 5. Slaughter Demon Heads
- 6. Our Anthem
- 7. 40 Day Fast
- 8. Total Thrashing Death
- 9. Enrapture
- 10. Grave Sucking
- 11. Pushing Weird Buttons