VARDØGER: Whitefrozen


Product description

Since the release of the Endtime Productions Swedish only CD sampler titled 'In the Shadow Of Death: A Scandinavian Extreme Music Compilation' early in 2000, there has been a blizzard of interest in Vardøger. This Norwegian band's contribution to this compilation, 'Footprints Of Thunder,' spun a web of classical symphonies and traditional folk studded with the beautiful anger of black metal. But that was the only track available, so fans longing for more of their special Scandinavian sadness had to wait until November, 2003, to hear four new tracks in addition to the one already available. The first pressing was available only as a digi-pak, which soon sold out. Finally in July, 2006, Endtimes Productions re-issued it again, this time packaged in a jewel case.

  • 1. Desert Pale
  • 2. Footprints Of Thunder
  • 3. Inferno
  • 4. Whitefrozen
  • 5. Silent Witness
