LES CARLSEN: St. John in Exile DVD



  • DVD
  • Features Les Carlsen (Hair, Bloodgood)
  • Recorded in front of a live audience in Oct. 2016
  • 2024 Girder
  • Release Date August 30
  • New cinematic rearrangement of the song The Messiah, written by Les Carlsen and David Zaffiro. Performed (sung) by James Durbin finalist of American Idol.
  • Directed by Joyce Carlson. Produced by Les Carlson, Joyce Carlson and CG Ryche 

If you ever had the honor of seeing Bloodgood live, you undoubtably saw Les perform in what could only be describe as "One Great Rock Show."  Les Carlsen is of the greatest theatrical frontmen of our time. He got his acting start way before he fronted the band Bloodgood.  Les was the lead performer/actor in the musical HAIR - A tribal rock opera, honing his acting skills for many years.  It's no surprise that all these years later Les could pull off such a feat, a two hour solo performance before a live audience in 2016, and this DVD is pure genius.


Michael Bloodgood - Awesome!

Joni Brinkley‎  - Isn't it beautiful how God takes a man's life and does such wondrously inspiring works through him? I love it how you all "stepped up" to this challenge and it will make a big difference in people's lives.
Don Cromwell - Consider this one ringing endorsement for any interested parties, a top shelf performance and production that really hits home. Amazing in every way!! I'm proud too!! Caught most of it on the live stream, an incredible performance by one talented son of a gun...Les Carlsen! Outstanding!
Leslie J Green - Truly compelling. Les' passion for the role came through. As well as his love for the Lord. Beautiful in all aspects. Stage design and music & video accompaniment added greatly to the overall experience. In a nutshell....I am so proud of you guys!
Maria Baker - John in exile, one man show by Les Carlsen. Tonight's emotional performance was about as good as it gets. Les poured himself into the role and he had the crowd on their feet. Such a great show.
Vicky Dow Anderson - Riveting and moving. Made me want to know Jesus like John knew Him! 


So What's On This DVD?

Les Carlsen, world-renowned singer, actor, and evangelist performs a one-man portrayal of John, the last living disciple of Jesus, in exile on the island of Patmos.

The year is A.D. 96. Thousands of Christians throughout the Roman Empire have been persecuted and killed. Though John is now 86 years old and confined to a cave-prison on the isle of Patmos, John remains full of humor, strong in spirit and obstinately spry. He refuses to surrender. His faith is fresh and alive and infectious!

Through John's eyes we relive the moving events in which Jesus Christ changed the course of human history. There is humor throughout the performance as well as poignant re-enactments of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, deeply emotional portrayals of the thoughts and feelings of John as a friend of Jesus and a dramatic description of his Revelation of the future.

The audience, as ‘visitors’ that Timothy has brought from Ephesis, will experience deeply intimate and personal narratives of the Gospel of John including his first encounter with Jesus, the miracles he witnessed and his Revelation of the future.
This is an outreach to the seeker, a ministry tool to deepen a believer’s faith, and a non-threatening way to introduce the unchurched to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It can be used as home entertainment as well as in Bible studies.

Les’s Words

Performing St. John in Exile has proven to be a blessing of monumental accomplishment for me!

First off, the labor of memorizing 90 minutes of monologue, and then the development of the character of John was exciting and challenging. Starting with prayer, and asking The Lord for His guidance, turned into a deeper relationship with Jesus than I could imagine. He loves us so much and it is wonderful to discover that He actually has time for me in His very busy schedule. He obviously offers Himself to all of us who love Him!
Many tears were shed as I reflected on John’s friendship and experiences with Jesus. I would often times, during my private rehearsals, stop after a delivery of a line that seemed perfect in attitude and believability. I would fall on my face and plead with Christ to bless me with remembering that moment, so I could share it with future audiences to glorify Him! 

Always asking Him to allow me to go deeper with every performance! My motivation is to reveal Christ to as many people as possible through this theatrical production, “St John in Exile.” 


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